Cellulite Treatments

What is cellulite?

Cellulite appears as dimpled skin on thighs, hips and buttocks. Scientifically, cellulite is fat pushing through a network of fibrous strands. As fat accumulates, it pushes upwards toward the skin’s surface. The connective tissue that forms this support network between the skin and muscle pulls downwards towards your bones, causing small bumps of fat to appear on the surface of the skin giving that appearance of ‘orange’ skin.


How can we help you?

Our intensive cellulite treatments consist of working the targeted areas with a combination of several effective treatments. Said treatments include, but are not limited to: wood therapy, cavitation, cupping, endermotherapy, and exfoliation. Along with that, we utilize European ampules, as well as our own range of fat-burning products during the sessions to further help the process. In order to see results we typically recommend buying a package and remaining consistent with the aftercare tips we give you.